Jose Arturo Trelles Hernandez
Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM
In this talk, I will discuss my research work, which involved evaluating the orbital history of satellite galaxies in the case where multiple satellites simultaneously fall towards a host halo. We will explore the implications for accretion history in dark matter halos and the impact of internal structure and spatial distribution of satellites, mass loss, and the combined effect of "dynamic self-friction" using N-body simulations with multiple satellites (rigid, compact live, extended live), comparing with the case of a single satellite falling (isolated). Additionally, I will discuss the potential consequences for satellites of the "Vast Polar Structure" of the Milky Way. Furthermore, I will discuss techniques for substructure detection (applying the unsupervised clustering algorithm DBSCAN) in N-body simulations and how this can be applied to realistic survey catalogs such as DESI and LSST to search for substructure in the stellar halo.
Scientific theme