
Recordings from events in which scientists from CTP PAS participated or it was organised by CTP PAS, shared on YouTube platform.
Oct. 11, 2021
Oskar Słowik: Designing locally maximally entangled quantum states with arbitrary local symmetries
Oct. 8, 2021
A series of lectures by prof. Łukasz A. Turski - Science and Culture - Part I
Sept. 27, 2021
Christoph Harrach (University of Vienna): Poisson transforms adapted to BGG-complexes
Sept. 26, 2021
Andrea Santi (UiT): G3 supergeometry and a supersymmetric extension of the Hilbert–Cartan equation
Sept. 23, 2021
Karin Melnick (University of Maryland): Conformal groups of compact Lorentzian manifolds
Sept. 21, 2021
Dennis The (UiT): On uniqueness of submaximally symmetric parabolic geometries
Sept. 21, 2021
47. Zjazd Fizyków Polskich 20.09.2021 – Ceremonia otwarcia Zjazdu – Opera Nova
Sept. 20, 2021
Paweł Nurowski (CTP PAS): Simple nonholonomic systems on the plane. Lecture 2
Sept. 19, 2021
Andreu Llabrés i Brustenga (UiT): Differential invariants of curves in G 2 flag varieties
Sept. 16, 2021
Paweł Nurowski (CTP PAS): Simple nonholonomic systems on the plane. Lecture 1
Sept. 15, 2021
Joël Merker (Paris-Saclay U.): Differential Invariants, Recurrence Relations, and Homogeneous Models
Sept. 14, 2021
Omid Makhmali (CTP):Einstein-Weyl-like conditions, ruled affine spheres, and causal structures in 3D
Software development:
Andrzej Sawicki
The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Foreign Promotion Programme