
Recordings from events in which scientists from CTP PAS participated or it was organised by CTP PAS, shared on YouTube platform.
Aug. 26, 2021
Rod Gover (University of Auckland) Conformal and projective techniques in general relativity:I
Aug. 26, 2021
Marek Demiański (University of Warsaw) Expanding Universe
Aug. 25, 2021
Michał Eckstein (Jagiellonian University): Quantum Optimal Transport
Aug. 23, 2021
Marek Gluza (Freie Universität Berlin): Fidelity witnesses
Aug. 18, 2021
Grzegorz Rajchel-Mieldzioć (CTP PAS): Classical to quantum transition using bistochastic matrices
Aug. 16, 2021
D. Reitzner (SAS): General Measurements with Limited Resources and Their Application
Aug. 12, 2021
Nikolai. Miklin: Quantifying causal influences in the presence of a quantum common cause
July 7, 2021
Dr. R. Band (Technion - IIoT): Quotients of finite-dimensional operators by symmetry representations
June 30, 2021
Dr. Magdalena Zych (University of Queensland): Relativistic quantum clocks
June 29, 2021
David Sykes (Texas A&M): On Geometry of 2-nondegenerate, Hypersurface-type Cauchy–Riemann Structures
June 23, 2021
MgrJulius Serbenta (CTP PAS): Geometric optics in static spherically symmetric spacetimes
June 17, 2021
I.Zelenko:Geometry of rank 2 distributions via abnormal extremals:algebraic structure of invariants
Software development:
Andrzej Sawicki
The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Foreign Promotion Programme