
Recordings from events in which scientists from CTP PAS participated or it was organised by CTP PAS, shared on YouTube platform.
April 20, 2021
K. Horodecki (ICTQT & UG): Upper bounds on the rate in device-independent quantum key distribution
April 20, 2021
D. Wierichs (University of Cologne): Avoiding local minima in variational quantum eigensolvers
April 19, 2021
Prof. J. Kijowski: Układy dynamiczne. Jednoparametrowa, lokalna grupa transformacji
April 19, 2021
Prof. J. Kijowski: Operatory transportu we współrzędnych. Wektor styczny do krzywej
April 18, 2021
G. Sarbicki (NCU): Family of positive maps equivalent to enhanced realignment criterion
April 18, 2021
O.Gühne (Uni. Siegen): A complete hierarchy for the pure state marginal problem in quantum mechanics
April 17, 2021
Kamil Korzekwa (Jagiellonian University ): Encoding classical information into quantum resources
April 17, 2021
Paul Skrzypczyk (University of Bristol ): Linking resource quantifiers and operational tasks in QIT
April 16, 2021
G. Zicari (QUB): Entropy production rate in a system of non-Markovian harmonic oscillators
April 16, 2021
Mirjam Weilenmann (IQOQI Vienna ): Entanglement Detection Beyond Measuring Fidelities
April 15, 2021
M. Horodecki (Intl. Cen. for Theory of Quantum Technologies): Minimal-coupling quantum heat engines
April 15, 2021
J. Czartowski (JU): Mixed-State Designs and Isoentangled Mutually Unbiased Bases
Software development:
Andrzej Sawicki
The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Foreign Promotion Programme