
Recordings from events in which scientists from CTP PAS participated or it was organised by CTP PAS, shared on YouTube platform.
April 30, 2018
Prof. Łukasz Turski "Electrodynamics in action, part V - Green functions"
April 22, 2018
Paweł Nurowski Lectures on General Relativity: "Affine spaces as a manifold"
April 22, 2018
Paweł Nurowski Lectures on General Relativity: "Pre-Einstein models of spacetime"
April 21, 2018
Prof. Łukasz Turski "Electrodynamics in action, part IV - Waveguides"
April 20, 2018
Prof. Łukasz Turski "Electrodynamics in action, part III - Transmission lines"
April 15, 2018
prof. Jerzy Wilkin "Poland in the European Union - benefits, conflicts and prospects."
March 20, 2018
Prof. Łukasz Turski "Electrodynamics in action, part II"
March 13, 2018
Prof. Łukasz Turski "Electrodynamics in action, part I"
March 10, 2018
dr Konstantinos Sapountzis "Short Gamma Ray Bursts. The MRI print out on the launched jet"
Jan. 30, 2018
prof. Ingemar Bengtsson "The existence problem for SIC-POVMS, and why it matters"
Dec. 27, 2017
Prof Iwo Białynicki-Birula "Classical and quantum electromagnetism Part I"
Dec. 6, 2017
Badacze zerowej nieskończoności (Scholars of Null Infinity)
Software development:
Andrzej Sawicki
The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Foreign Promotion Programme