
Geometry in Physics


July 17, 2023
Aleksander Bogucki, Paweł Nurowski – „Acoustic decaphonic piano: its mathematics, physics and sound”


Paweł Nurowski
prof. dr hab.

Latest Publications

About categorization

Publications of employees are categorized into 4 groups: 200, 140, 100 and less than 100 points. Points are given based on the journal that published the paper by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland). Each publication above or equal 100 points has an indicator on it.

Meaning of the indicators

- 200 points
- 140 points
- 100 points

J Geom Anal
Nov. 21, 2023

Homogeneous CR and Para-CR Structures in Dimensions 5 and 3

Jan. 1, 2023

Ants and bracket generating distributions in dimensions 5 and 6

Transformation Groups
July 7, 2022

On Degenerate Para-CR Structures: Cartan Reduction and Homogeneous Models

Research grants

Norway Grants
Symmetry, Curvature Reduction and EquivAlence Methods
Sept. 4, 2020
Sept. 3, 2023
Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Partial differential equations corresponding to five dimensional para-CR manifolds with Levi form degenerate in one direction
Jan. 10, 2019
Jan. 9, 2022
Ministry of Education and Science
Andrzej Trautman i Złoty Wiek Teorii Względności
June 23, 2017
May 22, 2018

Media Articles

Możdżer + fale grawitacyjne + polscy fizycy = fortepian, jakiego świat jeszcze nie słyszał
Dec. 23, 2023
Naukowiec o Noblu dla Penrose'a: powinien dostać tą nagrodę już wcześniej i to w dziedzinie... chemii
Oct. 7, 2020
Nobel z fizyki. Penrose "powinien go otrzymać już dawno, dawno temu i to za kilka różnych rzeczy"
Oct. 6, 2020


Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
July 6, 2020
Feb. 24, 2020


Geometry in Physics


July 17, 2023
Aleksander Bogucki, Paweł Nurowski – „Acoustic decaphonic piano: its mathematics, physics and sound”


Software development:
Andrzej Sawicki
The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Foreign Promotion Programme