
Theory of Quantum Computation
Jan Tuziemski

Latest Publications

About categorization

Publications of employees are categorized into 4 groups: 200, 140, 100 and less than 100 points. Points are given based on the journal that published the paper by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland). Each publication above or equal 100 points has an indicator on it.

Meaning of the indicators

- 200 points
- 140 points
- 100 points

Phys. Rev. E
July 15, 2020

Fröhlich-coupled qubits interacting with fermionic baths

Phys. Rev. A
Dec. 4, 2019

Out-of-time-ordered correlation functions in open systems: A Feynman-Vernon influence functional approach

Phys. Rev. A
Feb. 21, 2019

Reexamination of the decoherence of spin registers


Theory of Quantum Computation
Software development:
Andrzej Sawicki
The Project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Foreign Promotion Programme